Impromptu Style Guide
This impromptu style guide was reverse engineered using the How to Set Up Custom Dimensions document as an example.
- The intro section should have a prerequisites section.
- H2s are title case.
- Numbered steps are H2s and are prefaced with the word “Step” followed by a number and colon. E.g., Step 1: Do This Now
- H2 step titles start with a verb.
- Sub steps are not numbered.
- Navigation breadcrumbs are delimited by 2 greater than symbols (»).
- Navigation labels are in bold. Don’t use boldface for the breadcrumb delimiters. E.g., Navigate to Insights » Reports » Overview.
- Screen captures are 1080px wide.
- The red arrow graphics are here.
- There’s no summary or conclusion section. Instead of a summary or conclusion there’s a nudge CTA to read a recommended post/doc. E.g.:
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